Information/Traffic Data Receiver

The page Traffic Data Receiver provides status information on the data connection between Enroute Flight Navigation and your traffic data receiver. To access the page, open the main menu and choose “Information/Traffic Data Receiver.”

Connection Status

To ensure reliable operation, traffic receivers emit “heartbeat messages” at frequent intervals. The text field “Connection Status” explains if heartbeat messages are received through any of the configured data channels. If yes, this field shows the data connection currently used and lists the types of data presently received.

Traffic Data Receiver Status

If heartbeat messages are received, this field shows status messages reported by the traffic data receiver, including results of internal self-tests of the traffic data receiver hardware. If no heartbeat messages are received, this field is invisible.

Traffic/Currently No Traffic

If heartbeat messages are received, this field lists all the traffic reported by the traffic data receiver, sorted in order of importance. If no heartbeat messages are received, this field is not shown.

Traffic opponents are classified as “Relevant Traffic” and “Irrelevant Traffic”. Traffic is considered relevant if the vertical distance to the traffic opponent is less than 1,500 m and the horizontal distance is less than 20 NM. Only relevant traffic is shown in the moving map.


If no heartbeat is received from any traffic receiver, two buttons “Connect to a traffic receiver” and “Connect to a flight simulator” will become visible. A click on any of these buttons will open the appropriate page of the manual.