
Enroute Flight Navigation is designed to be simple. The number of user settings is deliberately small. To access the user settings, open the main menu and choose “Settings.”

Moving Map

The settings grouped under “Moving Map” change the appearance of the map display.

Airspace Altitude Limit

If you never fly higher than 5.000ft, you will probably not be interested in airspaces that begin above FL100. Enroute Flight Navigation allows you to set an altitude limit to improve the readability of the moving map. Once set, the app will show only airspaces below that limit. Tap on the entry “Airspace Altitude Limit” to set or unset the altitude limit.

Once you set an altitude limit, the moving map will display a little warning (“Airspaces up to 9,500 ft”) to remind you that the moving map does not show all airspaces. The app will automatically increase the limit when your aircraft approaches the altitude limit from below.


Airspace boundaries are often flight levels. The true altitude of a flight level depends on meteorological conditions (such as the temperature gradient) and is not known to Enroute Flight Navigation. When deciding which airspace to show, the app will use an approximation. The approximation might be off by 1,000ft or more in extreme weather. Always leave an ample safety margin when setting an airspace altitude limit.

Gliding Sectors

In regions with high glider traffic, local regulations often allow gliders to fly in airspaces that are otherwise difficult to access, such as control zones. The moving map displays these “Gliding Sectors” in bright yellow. If you are not flying a glider, the gliding sectors are probably not relevant. Hiding the gliding sectors might improve the readability of the moving map.

User Interface

Large Fonts

Use this option to enlarge fonts for improved readability.

Night Mode

The “Night Mode” of Enroute Flight Navigation is similar to the “Dark Mode” found in many other apps. We designed the night mode for pilots performing VFR flights by night, whose eyes have adapted to the darkness. Compared with other apps, you will find that the display is quite dark indeed.

Voice Notifications

Pilots should not be looking at their mobile devices for extended periods of time. Enroute Flight Navigation is therefore able to read notification texts in addition to showing them on the screen. Since we expect that not everybody likes this feature, this setting item allows switching voice notification on and off.


Primary Position Data Source

Enroute Flight Navigation can either use the built-in satnav receiver of your device or a connected traffic receiver as a primary position data source. This setting is essential if your device has reception problems or if you use Enroute Flight Navigation together with a flight simulator.

  • You will most likely prefer the built-in satnav receiver for actual flight. The built-in receiver provides one position update per second on a typical Android system, while traffic receivers do not always provide timely position updates.

  • If you use Enroute Flight Navigation together with a flight simulator, you must choose the traffic receiver as a primary position data source. Flight simulators broadcast position information of simulated aircraft via Wi-Fi, using the same protocol that a traffic data receiver would use in a real plane. As long as the built-in satnav receiver is selected, all position information provided by your flight simulator is ignored.


Setting a traffic receiver as a primary position data source is safe even when the app is not connected to a traffic receiver. When no traffic receiver is connected, Enroute Flight Navigation will automatically fall back using the built-in satnav receiver of your device.

Data connections

Tap on this entry to view the list of data connections that Enroute Flight Navigation uses to communicate with traffic data receivers, and to register traffic data receivers that communicate via Bluetooth.

Ignore Network Security Errors

This entry is visible if you have asked the app to download data via insecure internet connections after a secure connection attempt failed. Uncheck this item to revert to the standard policy, which enforces secure connections.

Clear Password Storage

This entry is visible if you have connected to a traffic data receiver that requires a password in addition to the Wi-Fi password and if you have asked the app to remember the password. Tap on this entry to clear the password storage.

Show Privacy Warnings

This entry is visible if you have disabled privacy warnings by selecting “Do not ask again” in an appropriate dialog. Tap on this entry to re-enable all warnings.


The items grouped under “Help” refer the user to this manual.