Before Your First Flight

If you have followed the steps outlined in Installation and Setup, then you are now ready to use Enroute Flight Navigation. The user interface is designed to be as intuitive as we could make it. Still, we recommend that you take a minute to make yourself familiar with the moving map display and with the basic controls before you take the app on its first flight. The section Main Page and Moving Map covers the moving map in more detail.

The Moving Map

After startup, the app will show a moving map, similar in style to the standard ICAO maps that most pilots know. Use the standard gestures to zoom and pan the map to your liking. The figures Moving Map Display on the Ground and Moving Map Display in Flight shows how the map will typically look.

Moving Map Display on the Ground

Moving Map Display on the Ground

Moving Map Display in Flight

Moving Map Display in Flight

Initially, your own position is shown as a blue circle (or gray if the system has not yet acquired a valid position). Once you are moving, your own position is shown as a blue arrow shape. The flight path vector shows the projected track for the next five minutes, sized so that each of the black and white segments corresponds to one minute.

Projected Flight Path for the Next Five Minutes

Projected Flight Path for the Next Five Minutes


When you start the app for the first time, you will probably see a bright red aircraft symbol in the lower left corner of the map. This symbol indicates that the app is not connected to the traffic data receiver of your aircraft, so that traffic will not be shown on the moving map.

Once you are familiar with the app, please have a look at the Section Sense and Avoid of this manual.

The Navigation Bar

The bottom of the display shows a little panel with the following information.




True altitude (=geometric altitude) above sea level.


Flight level.


Ground speed.


True track.


Current time.

The flight level is only available if your device is connected to a traffic receiver (such as a PowerFLARM device) that reports the pressure altitude. Flight level and current time are hidden if the display is not wide enough.


Vertical airspace boundaries are defined by pressure altitudes (with respect to QNH or standard pressure). Depending on temperature and air density, the pressure altitude will differ from the true altitude that is shown by the app. Never use true altitude to judge vertical distances to airspaces.

Interactive Controls

In addition to the pan and pinch gestures, you can use the following buttons to control the app.




Open main menu


Switch between display modes north up and track up.


Center map about own position.


Zoom in


Zoom out


Warning when the app is not connected to a traffic data receiver.

Information About Airspaces, Airfields and Other Facilities

Double tap or tap-and-hold anywhere in the map to obtain information about the airspace situation at that point. If you double tap or tap-and-hold on an airfield, navaid or reporting point, detailed information about the facility will be shown. The figure Information about EDFE airport shows how this will typically look.

Information about EDFE airport

Information about EDFE airport

The dialog uses the following abbreviations.



Distance to the waypoint


True track to the waypoint


Minimal gliding ratio required to reach waypoint in 300 m AGL (disregarding terrain)

Go Flying!

Enroute Flight Navigation is designed to be simple. We think that you are now ready to take the app on its first flight. There are of course many more things that you can do. Play with the app and have a look at the next section Basic Use.