Mapping Tools

Enroute Flight Navigation is able to import location information (“Map Pins”) from popular mapping tools. This feature has been requested by helicopter pilots working in medical evacuation, rescue and police operations. It can also be used by general aviation pilots who would like to add landmarks (“Hohenzollern Castle”) to their flight routes or to their waypoint library.


The functionality described here is only available in version 2.30.9 or later. At the time of writing, the functionality is only available on the Android and Linux/Desktop platforms. Support for Apple iOS devices is planned.

Google Maps (Android App)

To share a location from the app Google Maps with Enroute Flight Navigation, proceed as follows.

  • Open the App “Google Maps” and mark a location by tapping into the moving map. A dialog with location information will open at the bottom of the screen.

  • Click on the button “Share”. It might be necessary to scroll the button row sideways for “Share” to become visible.

  • You will be presented with a list of contacts and apps that you can share the location with. Choose Enroute Flight Navigation from this list. If Enroute Flight Navigation is not listed, it might be necessary to use the button “More” to present an extended list of apps that are able to accept Google Map Share.

  • Enroute Flight Navigation will open. Depending on the precise form of the data shared by Google Maps, one of the following things will happen.

    • Enroute Flight Navigation will open a waypoint description dialog for the location marked by Google Maps. As usual, use this dialog to add the location to your route or to the waypoint library.

    • Enroute Flight Navigation cannot immediately determine the geographic coordinates of the location from the data shared by Google. To obtain coordinates, Enroute Flight Navigation will then open Google Maps in an embedded browser window. For privacy reasons, you might be asked to authorize Enroute Flight Navigation to open the external website, and Google might ask you to accept their privacy policies. If all goes well, the embedded browser will close itself after a few seconds and the waypoint dialog will appear.


If the embedded browser remains open for more than 30 seconds, then the coordinate lookup has failed. This can happen when there is no internet access. Close the embedded web browser page manually to continue using Enroute Flight Navigation.

Google Maps Go (Android App)

The app Google Maps Go is a lightweight version of Google Maps that runs online and therefore uses substantially fewer resources. To share locations with Enroute Flight Navigation, follow the procedure described above for Google Maps (Android App).


Coordinate lookup through an embedded browser window can often be avoided by using Google Maps Go instead of Google Maps. The author of Enroute Flight Navigation prefers using Google Maps Go for that reason.

Google Maps (Online)

The procedure depends on the platform in use.

  • Android: Follow the steps explained in Google Maps (Android App) above.

  • Linux/Desktop:

    • Double-click into the map to mark a location.

    • Copy the text from the URL field of your text browser to the clipboard. Depending on the browser, this can be done with a context menu after a right-click into the URL field, or by activating the text field and then using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+A Ctrl+C.

    • Activate the window of Enroute Flight Navigation and paste the text using Ctrl+V. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the text from the URL field of your browser into the window of Enroute Flight Navigation.

HERE WeGo (Android App)

To share locations from the app HERE WeGo with Enroute Flight Navigation, follow the procedure described above for Google Maps (Android App).

OpenStreetMap (Online)

The procedure depends on the platform in use.

  • Android:

    • Double-click into the map to mark a location.

    • Open the main menu of your web browser and choose “Share”.

    • You will be presented with a list of contacts and apps that you can share the location with. Choose Enroute Flight Navigation from this list.

    • Enroute Flight Navigation will open a waypoint description dialog for the location.

  • Linux/Desktop:

    • Double-click into the map to mark a location.

    • Copy the text from the URL field of your text browser to the clipboard. Depending on the browser, this can be done with a context menu after a right-click into the URL field, or by activating the text field and then using the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+A Ctrl+C.

    • Activate the window of Enroute Flight Navigation and paste the text using Ctrl+V. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the text from the URL field of your browser into the window of Enroute Flight Navigation.

OsmAnd (Android App)

Location sharing from the app OsmAnd does not require coordinate lookup through an embedded browser and is therefore particularly easy and hassle-free. Proceed as follows.

  • Open the App “OsmAnd” and mark a location by tapping into the moving map. A dialog with location information will open at the bottom of the screen.

  • Click on the button “Share”. A dialog will open that allows choosing the data format.

  • Choose the data format “geo:”. A dialog with appropriate apps will open.

  • Choose Enroute Flight Navigation.

  • Enroute Flight Navigation will open with a waypoint description dialog for the location marked by Google Maps. As usual, use this dialog to add the location to your route or to the waypoint library.