Traffic Data Receiver Support


In order to support a wide range of devices, including flight simulators, Enroute Flight Navigation listens to several data channels simultaneously and understands a variety of protocols. By default, Enroute Flight Navigation watches the following data channels. This should cover a large part of the devices presently on the market.

  • A TCP connection to port 2000 at the IP addresses, where the app expects a stream of FLARM/NMEA sentences.

  • A TCP connection to port 2000 at the IP addresses, where the app expects a stream of FLARM/NMEA sentences.

  • A TCP connection to port 2000 at the IP addresses, where the app expects a stream of FLARM/NMEA sentences.

  • A TCP connection to port 2000 at the IP addresses, where the app expects a stream of FLARM/NMEA sentences.

  • A TCP connection to port 2000 at the IP addresses, where the app expects a stream of FLARM/NMEA sentences.

  • A UDP connection to port 4000, where the app expects datagrams in GDL90 or XGPS format.

  • A UDP connection to port 49002, where the app expects datagrams in GDL90 or XGPS format.

Users can configure additional data channels between Enroute Flight Navigation and traffic data receivers with Bluetooth Classic interfaces.

Data Formats

Enroute Flight Navigation expects traffic data in the following formats.

Known Issues with GDL90

The GDL90 protocol has a number of shortcomings, and we recommend to use FLARM/NMEA whenever possible. We are aware of the following issues.

Altitude measurements

According to the GDL90 Specification, the ownship geometric height is reported as height above WGS-84 ellipsoid. There are however many devices on the market that wrongly report height above main sea level. Different apps have different strategies to deal with these shortcomings.

  • Enroute Flight Navigation as well as the app Skydemon expect that traffic receivers comply with the GDL90 Specification.

  • ForeFlight has extended the GDL90 Specification so that traffic receivers can indicate if they comply with the specification or not.

  • Many other apps expect wrong GDL90 implementations and interpret the geometric height has height above main sea level.

MODE-S traffic

Most traffic receivers see traffic equipped with MODE-S transponders and can give an estimate for the distance to the traffic. They are, however, unable to obtain the precise traffic position. Unlike FLARM/NMEA, the GDL90 Specification does not support traffic factors whose position is unknown. Different devices implement different workarounds.

  • Stratux devices generate a ring of eight virtual targets around the own position. These targets are named “Mode S”.

  • Air Avioncs devices do the same, but only with one target.

  • Other devices create a virtual target, either at the ownship position or at the North Pole and abuse the field “Navigation Accuracy Category for Position” to give the approximate position to the target.

Enroute Flight Navigation has special provisions for handling targets called “Mode S”, but users should expect that this workaround is not perfect.

ForeFlight Broadcast

Following the standards established by the app ForeFlight, Enroute Flight Navigation broadcasts a UDP message on port 63093 every 5 seconds while the app is running in the foreground. This message allows devices to discover Enroute’s IP address, which can be used as the target of UDP unicast messages. This broadcast will be a JSON message, with at least these fields:

   "App":"Enroute Flight Navigation",

The GDL90 “port” field is currently 4000, but might change in the future.

Known Issues with SkyEcho Devices

Enroute Flight Navigation works fine with SkyEcho devices. There are, however, several shortcomings that users should be aware of.

Unidirectional FLARM

The SkyEcho can receive FLARM signals, but cannot send them. The SkyEcho device cannot be seen by other FLARM users. The author of Enroute Flight Navigation is not convinced that unidirectional FLARM is a good idea.

FLARM Output

uAvionix follows an unusual business model. The FLARM/NMEA output of the SkyEcho is encrypted. To read the FLARM data, all apps need to include commercial, closed-source decryption libraries that must be purchased by the app users. The author of Enroute Flight Navigation feels that this is incompatible with the idea of free, open source software.

To communicate with SkyEcho devices, Enroute Flight Navigation will switch to the GDL90 protocol.

Altimeter readings

SkyEcho includes an integrated barometric altimeter, but does not have any access to static pressure. To estimate the barometric altitude, the SkyEcho correlates cabin pressure altitude to altitudes of nearby traffic. The author of Enroute Flight Navigation is not convinced that this method gives altimeter readings that are sufficiently reliable for aviation purposes.

Known Issues with pingUSB Devices

Enroute Flight Navigation works fine with pingUSB devices. There are, however, several shortcomings that users should be aware of.

Unidirectional ADS-B

The pingUSB can receive ADS-B signals, but cannot send them. The pingUSB device cannot be seen by other ADS-B users. The author of Enroute Flight Navigation is not convinced that unidirectional ADS-B is a good idea.

Altimeter readings

pingUSB reports the barometric altitude of traffic opponents, but does not include a static pressure sensor required to measure the barometric altitude of the own aircraft. As a result, Enroute Flight Navigation cannot compute the relative height between the traffic and the own aircraft. The author of Enroute Flight Navigation is aware of apps that compare the barometric altitude of traffic to the geometric altitude of the own aircraft (which can be measured via GPS), and hence show misleading traffic information. The author is not convinced that pingUSB should be used for aviation purposes.