Import Data

Enroute Flight Navigation offers a robust file import feature, allowing users to import data from various external sources. This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to utilize this functionality. A list of supported file formats and text data items is found at the end of this section

There are four ways to import files into Enroute Flight Navigation.

  • Import Files and Text Data Shared by Other Apps

  • Import Files from Local or Remote Storage

  • Drag-and-Drop (Linux Desktop only)

  • Copy-and-Paste (Linux Desktop only)

  • Command line (Linux Desktop only)

We expect that most users on mobile devices will import files that are shared by other apps. Users on Linux desktop computers will probably prefer drag-and-drop.

Import Files and Text Data Shared by Other Apps

Enroute Flight Navigation is able to import files from all apps that allow file sharing. On Android, Enroute Flight Navigation also accepts text data shared by other apps. While the list of these apps is endless, we expect that most users employ one of the following programs to transfer and access files and data.

  • Web browsers allow downloading and opening files from the internet.

  • Apps such as Google Maps share text data items.

  • File management apps can open files stored on your device.

  • Most file management apps also allow opening files stored on cloud services connected to your devices. Some cloud service come with specialized apps.

  • Email apps can open files attached to your mail messages, instant messaging apps can open files attached to chat messages.

  • Both Android and iOS come with specialized apps that allow sharing files between devices, using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi connections.

The precise procedure for opening a file depends on the app in use. In a typical scenario, do the following.

  1. Identify and open an app that is able to access the file. This could be a web browser for files from the internet, a file manager for files stored on your device, or an email app for files attached to your mail messages.

  2. Navigate to the file that you with to import. You might have to point your browser to the correct website, open the correct folder in your file manager, or open an email that has the relevant file attached.

  3. Open the file. In some scenarios, it suffices to click on the file name or file icon. Other apps require you to click on an appropriate button or menu entry, typically called “Open” or “Share”.

  4. The operating system will identify the file type and present you with a list of apps known to handle files of this type. Choose Enroute Flight Navigation from this list.

  5. Enroute Flight Navigation will open and import the file.


TripKits are ZIP files with specialized content. Trying to open a TripKit file, some file management utilities will automatically unpack the ZIP file rather than offering to open it in Enroute Flight Navigation. Along similar lines, GeoTIFF files are image files with specialized metadata and some file management utilities will launch an image viewing application rather than offering to open a GeoTIFF file in Enroute Flight Navigation.

If you encounter problems opening a TripKit or GeoTIFF file, look for an icon or menu item labeled “Open with…”. Some utilities open an appropriate context menu after a tap-and-hold gesture. Alternatively, import the file from local or remote storage, as explained in the next section.

Import Files from Local or Remote Storage

There are scenarios where the operating system cannot identify the file type and does not offer to open a given file with Enroute Flight Navigation. In these settings, Enroute Flight Navigation offers an alternative mechanism to import files.

  1. Transfer the file to your device and save it in the local file storage. Alternatively, save the file in cloud storage service that is connected to your device.

  2. Open Enroute Flight Navigation. Use the main menu to navigate to one of the pages listed below.

  3. Open the three-dot-menu in the top right corner of the screen and choose the item “Import”. A file dialog will open.

  4. Select the file and click on the button “Import”.


There are systems where the file dialog shows only files of one specific type. If you cannot see your file, look for a button or drop-down-menu in the file dialog that allows choosing the file types.

Pages with File Import Functionality

The following pages of Enroute Flight Navigation offer import functionality.


File Type




Flight Route (replaces current flight route)



Flight Route (replaces current flight route)



Flight Route (added to library)



Flight Route (added to library)

Library/Maps and Data


Raster Maps

Library/Maps and Data


Vector Maps

Library/Maps and Data


Airspace Data

Library/Maps and Data


Approach Chart

Library/Maps and Data


Approach Chart Collection



Waypoint Collection



Waypoint Collection



Waypoint Collection

Drag-and-Drop (Linux Desktop Only)

If you are running Enroute Flight Navigation on a Linux desktop computer, you can import a file by dragging its icon from the desktop and drop it anywhere in the Enroute Flight Navigation window. You can import text data items by dragging the text into the Enroute Flight Navigation window.

Command Line (Linux Desktop Only)

When starting Enroute Flight Navigation from the Unix command line, it is possible to pass file names as command line arguments.

Supported File Formats

Enroute Flight Navigation accepts data in the following formats.


File Format

Airspace Data


Approach Charts


Approach Chart Collection


FLARM Test Data

Text file

Flight Routes


Flight Routes


Raster Maps


Vector Maps


Waypoint Collections




Supported Text Data Items

Enroute Flight Navigation accepts data in the following formats.



Google Map Link

Shortened Google Map Link


OpenStreetMap Link

WeGo Link

Shortened WeGo Link