Data Sources ============ .. _aeroMapData: Map Data -------- Aeronautical Maps ................. Our maps available for offline use, so that the app does not require any internet connection in flight. The maps are updated once per day, provided that new data is available. Note, however, that we do not **guarantee** regular updates. The aeronautical maps are compiled from databases provided by the `openAIP `_ and the `open flightmaps `_ projects. While openAIP covers most of the world, the open flightmaps cover fewer countries but contain more detailed information. ================================ =============== Map Feature Data Origin ================================ =============== Airfields openAIP Airspace: Nature Preserve Areas open flightmaps Airspace: all other openAIP Navaids openAIP Procedures (Traffic Circuits, …) open flightmaps Reporting Points open flightmaps ================================ =============== List of maps ^^^^^^^^^^^^ For simplicity, our maps are divided in "Class 1" and "Class 2". - Class 1 maps are compiled from `openAIP `_ and `open flightmaps `_ data. These maps contain complete information about airspaces, airfields and navaids. In addition, the maps contain (mandatory) reporting points. Some of our class 1 maps also show traffic circuits and flight procedures for control zones. - Class 2 maps are compiled from `openAIP `_ data only. They contain complete information about airspaces, airfields and navaids. Below is a complete list of the maps that we offer. =================== ============== ======= Continent Country Class =================== ============== ======= Africa Algeria Class 2 Africa Botswana Class 2 Africa Canary Islands Class 1 Africa Kenya Class 2 Africa Madagascar Class 2 Africa Malawi Class 2 Africa Mauritius Class 2 Africa Morocco Class 2 Africa Namibia Class 1 Africa Réunion Class 2 Africa South Africa Class 1 Africa Tunisia Class 2 Asia Bahrain Class 2 Asia Japan Class 2 Asia Laos Class 2 Asia Nepal Class 2 Asia Qatar Class 2 Asia Sri Lanka Class 2 Asia Unit. Emirates Class 2 Australia Oceanica Australia Class 2 Australia Oceanica New Zealand Class 2 Australia Oceanica Vanuatu Class 2 Europe Albania Class 2 Europe Austria Class 1 Europe Belgium Class 1 Europe Bosnia and H. Class 2 Europe Bulgaria Class 1 Europe Croatia Class 1 Europe Cyprus Class 2 Europe Czech Republic Class 1 Europe Denmark Class 1 Europe Estonia Class 2 Europe Finland Class 1 Europe France Class 2 Europe Germany Class 1 Europe Great Britain Class 1 Europe Greece Class 1 Europe Hungary Class 1 Europe Iceland Class 2 Europe Ireland Class 2 Europe Italy Class 1 Europe Latvia Class 2 Europe Liechtenstein Class 2 Europe Lithuania Class 2 Europe Luxembourg Class 2 Europe Malta Class 2 Europe Moldova Class 2 Europe Montenegro Class 2 Europe Netherlands Class 1 Europe North. Ireland Class 1 Europe Norway Class 2 Europe Poland Class 1 Europe Portugal Class 2 Europe Romania Class 1 Europe Serbia Class 2 Europe Slovakia Class 1 Europe Slowenia Class 1 Europe Spain Class 2 Europe Sweden Class 1 Europe Switzerland Class 1 Europe Turkey Class 2 North America Canada Class 2 North America United States Class 2 South America Argentina Class 2 South America Brazil Class 2 South America Colombia Class 2 South America Falkland Is. Class 2 =================== ============== ======= Raster Maps ........... - Switzerland, Digital Glider Map provided by the `Federal Office of Topography swisstopo `__ - Switzerland, Digital Aeronautical Chart ICAO provided by the `Federal Office of Topography swisstopo `__ Base Maps ......... Our base maps are generated from `Open Streetmap `_ data. Terrain maps ............ Our terrain maps are derived from the `Terrain Tiles Open Dataset on Amazon AWS `_. The underlying data sources are a mix of: - 3DEP (formerly NED and NED Topobathy) in the United States, 10 meters outside of Alaska, 3 meter in select land and territorial water areas - ArcticDEM strips of 5 meter mosaics across all of the land north of 60° latitude, including Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden - CDEM (Canadian Digital Elevation Model) in Canada, with variable spatial resolution (from 20-400 meters) depending on the latitude. -, 2 meters over most of the United Kingdom -, 10 meters over Austria - ETOPO1 for ocean bathymetry, 1 arc-minute resolution globally - EUDEM in most of Europe at 30 meter resolution, including Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom - Geoscience Australia's DEM of Australia, 5 meters around coastal regions in South Australia, Victoria, and Northern Territory - GMTED globally, coarser resolutions at 7.5", 15", and 30" in land areas - INEGI's continental relief in Mexico - Kartverket's Digital Terrain Model, 10 meters over Norway - LINZ, 8 meters over New Zealand - SRTM globally except high latitudes, 30 meters (90 meters nominal quality) in land areas Attributions ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * ArcticDEM terrain data DEM(s) were created from DigitalGlobe, Inc., imagery and funded under National Science Foundation awards 1043681, 1559691, and 1542736; * Australia terrain data © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2017; * Austria terrain data © offene Daten Österreichs – Digitales Geländemodell (DGM) Österreich; * Canada terrain data contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence – Canada; * Europe terrain data produced using Copernicus data and information funded by the European Union - EU-DEM layers; * Global ETOPO1 terrain data U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration * Mexico terrain data source: INEGI, Continental relief, 2016; * New Zealand terrain data Copyright 2011 Crown copyright (c) Land Information New Zealand and the New Zealand Government (All rights reserved); * Norway terrain data © Kartverket; * United Kingdom terrain data © Environment Agency copyright and/or database right 2015. All rights reserved; * United States 3DEP (formerly NED) and global GMTED2010 and SRTM terrain data courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. METAR/TAF --------- METAR and TAF data is provided by the `Aviation Weather Center `_, an office of the United States Department of Commerce. NOTAMs ------ NOTAMs are provided by the `Federal Aviation Administration `_, an office of the United States Department of Transportation.